Thailand based Stem Cell Therapy Treatments

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All Posts in Category: Video

Stem cell treatment – Overview of procedure

This animation describes how stem cells from the patient’s abdominal fat are used to treat various diseases, such as MS, ALS, Stroke, Diabetes, Lung Disease, Heart Disease, Othropedic, etc.

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Wealth on Health Stem Cell therapy in Bangkok Thailand

This video goes into Severe Heart Disease and shows how adult stem cells can improve the clinical condition.. More information can be found at . The world’s first and still leading heart stem cell company. 500 late-stage, no option heart patients treated to date with scientifically published 70+% Sig Improvement.

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US appeals court lifts stem cell research ban

Larry Goldstein, the director of the stem cell programme at the University of California in San Diego, explains to Al Jazeera the implications of this decision that now allows government funding for human embryonic stem cell research.

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Stem Cell Breast Augmentation | Dr. Todd Malan

Dr Malan’s Natural Breast (Stem Cell) Augmentation technique employs the latest technologic advances that provide women the option of enlarging their breast using their own fat without the use of un-natural implants.

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Stem Cell Treatment for Autism

Millie Jimenez discusses her twin boys’ improvements after they both underwent stem cell therapy for autism at the Stem Cell Institute in Panama City, Panama. One of the boys, who was non-verbal prior to treatment is now speaking in English and Spanish. The other has stopped stimming and both are now making a “more affectionate” connection with their mother.

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A Cure for Liver Disease

This short film describes the life and death struggle of those living with liver disease and the hope for cures. The constant shortage of donor organs and the risk of organ rejection result in an extremely high mortality rate, underscoring the need for funding all forms of stem cell research now.

Stem Cell research is the most promising research in terms of potential cures for these and many other currently incurable diseases. Nothing is more “Pro-Life” than curing deadly disease and helping the suffering. Support Stem Cell research.

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