Thailand based Stem Cell Therapy Treatments

Opening Hours : 8am to 9pm (Bangkok Time)
  Contact : (662) 973 4681

Diabetes Mellitus


Why undertake a stem cell therapy to treat diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus, or simply, diabetes, is a group of diseases characterized by high blood glucose levels that result from defects in the body’s ability to produce and/or use insulin. There are two main types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes which is usually diagnosed in childhood and Type II diabetes which is the most common form of diabetes.

Millions of people around the world suffer from Type II diabetes, including an estimated 100 million Chinese citizens and over 25 million Americans ( Many more are unaware they are at high risk and may already suffer from the disease as many of the symptoms go unnoticed.

This can have devastating effects for many people since complications associated with diabetes are many and can have severe detrimental effects on the body’s organs and tissues. Some of these detrimental effects include:

  • Increased risk for eye complications including glaucoma, disorder of the retina, retinopathy, etc. which if not appropriately taking care of can lead to blindness
  • Possible nerve damage (also called neuropathy) to the feet, poor blood flow or even changes in the shape of feet or toes
  • Increased prevalence of gum disease
  • Stroke and Heart disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Brain damage

Although the above information is not very encouraging, the good news is that with the correct stem cell therapy treatment and recommended lifestyle changes, many people with diabetes are now able to prevent, delay, and in some cases, reverse the onset of diabetes complications even when diagnosed at a late stage.

Since stem cells have the capability to rejuvenate organs and tissues in the body, the application of stem cells therapy is not only beneficial in helping control diabetes, it also offers an even greater benefit which is to potentially reverse some of the damages that diabetes may have already caused to a patient’s organs and tissues.

Our treatment of both Type I and Type II diabetes patient to date have proven to be very effective in many ways including curing some Type I diabetes patients as well as being very effective in reducing or eliminating the complications that Type II patients may be suffering from including for heart disease, eye complications, peripheral neuropathy and diabetes wounds, to name a few.

Our Stem Cell Therapy Programs:

Our most effective autologous adult stem cell therapy Programs we have developed for diabetic patients so far is either our Health Regen D Plus Program (Type II diabetes) or our Treat Regen Diabetes Program (Type I Diabetes). Both programs make use of the Peripheral Blood Stem Cells method (PBSC) also known as the Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSC) method to treat patients.

The PBSC method makes use of a patient’s own adult stem cells (autologous adult stem cells) generated from the patient’s bone marrow. In this method, hormone-like substances called stem cells mobilization growth factors are given to the patient a few days before the extraction (harvest) in order to stimulate a greater production of stem cells in the bone marrow which then migrate into the circulating blood. The stem cells are then harvested from the circulating blood, cleaned, activated, and injected back to the patient.

This method has proven the most effective and is also our preferred procedure as generating stem cells this way is simple, safe and does not involve the risk associated with localized anesthesia and multiple invasive marrow aspirations.

Depending on the patient’s case, quite often injections of cytokines and other biological factor are also needed to regenerate pancreatic tissues. Nutritional therapy together with functional medicine is also often provided to assist handle the problem of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance that are commonly associated with type II diabetes. We also have nutritional experts on staff that can assist patients review their eating habits in order to lose weight and/or have a more balanced diet. For many patients, chelation therapy and a detoxification program are a necessity as well.

For patients that want to prevent Type II diabetes, our rejuvenation (anti aging) stem cell therapy program has also proven very popular with patients that do not yet have Type II diabetes but come from families with a strong history of diabetes cases. This rejuvenation stem cell therapy program lends itself very well in possibly assisting in the prevention or slowing down of Type II diabetes and the rejuvenation of organs and tissues in the body.

Expected Benefits:

Treatment results have been very encouraging for both Type I and Type II diabetes patients. For Type I diabetes, treatment with stem cells combined with injections of other biological factors as proven very efficient in regenerating pancreatic tissues, and in some cases, eliminating the need by patients to inject themselves with insulin in order to control their blood sugar levels.

For Type II diabetes, our stem cell therapy treatment has shown that it can assist in better controlling sugar levels as well as being very effective in reducing or eliminating complications that may arise in patients suffering from Type II diabetes including for heart disease, eye complications, peripheral neuropathy and diabetes wounds, to name a few.

Although we cannot promise a complete cure from diabetes for patients that will undergo one of our stem cells therapies, we can certainly pledge that after our treatment, our patients will see a marked improvement in their condition and overall will feel healthier.

Treat Regen Form

If you would like to take part in one of our Thailand based diabetes therapy programs, Please fill out our Health Regen Form for Type II diabetes or our Treat Regen Form for Type I diabetes so that we can provide you with more details. You can also go to our Stem Cells Testimonials page to find out how some of our patients have greatly benefited from one of our diabetes stem cell therapy programs.

Thai Regen

Our main objective at Thai Regen is not only for our patients to live longer but also to live free of age-related problems and diseases.

Additional links you can visit for more details on diabetes: