Thailand based Stem Cell Therapy Treatments

Opening Hours : 8am to 9pm (Bangkok Time)
  Contact : (662) 973 4681

Step 4. Stem cells injection

The method of stem cell injection depends on the patient’s condition and the treatment. Typically, we administer the stem cells using the standard intravenous (IV) method. This is a straightforward method that allows for the distribution of the stem cells throughout the entire body. In combination with our organ specific stem cell factors and nutrients concoction, over the years this method has given us great results for both our Health Regen Programs and Treat Regen Programs.

In some cases, the IV method is replaced by other more involved methods such as by catheter, angiography, or lumbar puncture for the direct administration of stem cells to the targeted organ or tissues. These procedures are more complex and conducted at one of our partner’s hospitals where the patient usually remains overnight for monitoring, and released on the following day(s). The suitable surgery method is chosen according to the patient’s needs and medical records.