Thailand based Stem Cell Therapy Treatments

Opening Hours : 8am to 9pm (Bangkok Time)
  Contact : (662) 973 4681

Treat Regen Program

Let one of our patient counselors tell you more about your Stem Cells Therapy Options

Please fill out the form below as thoroughly as you can so that your enquiry can be speedily transmitted to the appropriate Patient Counselor.

Personal Details

Title:  Mr Ms Mrs

Particular's First Name

Particular's Last Name

Contact Person (if different from above)




Email Address

Confirm Email Address


May we contact you by phone?

 Yes No

If yes, please confirm a good time to contact you?

Program Details

Age of Particular

Primary Illness/Ailment or Disorder

Date of First Time Awareness of Illness/Ailment or Disorder

Main Symptoms

Other Symptoms

Additional Information & Comments