Thailand based Stem Cell Therapy Treatments

Opening Hours : 8am to 9pm (Bangkok Time)
  Contact : (662) 973 4681

Why choose Thai Regen?

Undergoing stem cell therapy at Thai Regen has a number of significant advantages including:


We use Adult Stem Cells Only, no Embryonic Stem Cells

Several varieties of stem cells have been isolated and identified. Very broadly, they comprise of two major classes:

  • Embryonic/fetal stem cells (ESC)
  • Adult stem cells (ASC)

Embryonic stem cells (ESC) are cells extracted from the blastula, the very early embryo, while adult stem cells (ASC) are stem cells found in the body after birth. The term “adult stem cells” does not refer to a characteristic associated with adulthood, but rather a contrast with the developing embryo.

To obtain ESC from embryos, one must use a fertilized egg from which a whole human being can develop. Many people understandably oppose the idea of using embryos; whom they already consider a legal person, for the purpose of extracting ESC. Aside from these ethical and moral considerations, the use of embryonic stem cells is also still far from being clinically viable. Many studies have shown that although at times ESC can give remarkable results, there is an amplificatory effect with ESC that may significantly increase the risk of developing tumors. For these many reasons, At Thai Regen, we only use adult stem cells.

We Make Use of Autologous Adult Stem Cells

Autologous adult stem cells therapy involves the use of the patient’s own stem cells. For this reason, the risk associated with this therapy is very low. Besides, there are also several advantages to using the patient’s own stem cells including; no immune reaction and tissue rejection of the cells, no immunosuppressive therapy needed, and significantly reduced risk of communicable diseases.


Experienced Team

Our team consists of internationally recognized Thai doctors specializing in stem cell therapy, obesity and metabolic syndrome treatment, and alternative medicine and holistic healing therapy. Depending on the treatment required, we also have access to a pool of experts from various medical fields from several internationally accredited hospitals in Thailand.

Well Researched Treatment Procedure

Our current stem cell therapy Programs were created after investigating and experimenting for several years with many different stem cell therapy techniques and procedures to isolate, preserve, and use adult stem cells for therapeutic treatment. In addition, to remain at the edge of technical development, besides collaborating with referring hospitals, partners, and physicians in Thailand, over the years, we have also developed strong linkages with leading Institutes in the U.S.A., Germany, Switzerland, Ukraine, Russia, South Korea and China.

Extracting the Stem Cells by PBSC, a Safe Non-invasive Proven Procedure

We make use of the Peripheral Blood Stem Cell method (PBSC) – also known as Hematopoietic Stem Cells Method (HSC) – to extract the patient’s own adult stem cells generated from the Bone Marrow. Why? Historically, stem cell therapy was done by bone marrow transplant. Today, PBSC is by far the most common and practical way to treat a patient because doctors are usually able to harvest more stem cells using this procedure. The PBSC procedure is also easier on the patient than extracting marrow from the bone marrow. Another plus for the Peripheral Blood Stem Cell method is that the recipient’s blood count recovers faster than with a bone marrow transplant.

Cord blood transplant from the placenta and umbilical cord of newborns is usually considered an alternative source for stem cell therapy, if a good match can be found at a stem cell bank. It is still a relatively new technique and the number of stem cells available from the donor source is often too low for large adults. This source of stem cells is therefore used mostly in small adults and children or in combination with another stem cell source. Cord blood stem cells also usually take longer to engraft, leaving the patient at a higher risk of infection compared to the transplanted marrow method or the Peripheral Blood Stem Cell method. Another drawback is that unlike bone marrow transplant or peripheral blood stem cell transplant, once the donated stem cells from the cord blood are used, the donor cannot be called back to give more if needed.


Thailand is a Renowned Medical Hub

Thailand has been rated as one of the top destinations worldwide for health and medical treatments. Its network of private hospitals handles over 1 million health tourists every year. The hospitals we work with have world class facilities and have received international accreditations for their high standards including the fame JCI (Joint Commission International) accreditation.

Thailand is Renowned for its Hospitality

Thai Regen stem cell therapy Programs are performed in either Bangkok or Chiang Mai depending on the treatment required as well as patient’s preference. Either way, our suggested choice of accommodation includes a stay in either a modern style hotel or a resort like option; within a 20 to 30 minute drive from our clinic or hospital.

If a patient elects to stay longer, when available our hotel or resort partner will also extend their preferential rates so that our patients can stay a while longer to either enjoy the sights and sounds in and around Bangkok; or explore the culturally rich Northern region from a boutique retreat perfectly suited to relax and sooth body and mind; or simply fly due South for a well earned sandy beach respite on one of Thailand’s famous beaches.

For patients requiring hospitalization, the internationally recognized hospitals we work with offer the ideal setting for stem cell therapy followed in many cases by a rehabilitation program; such as daily physiotherapy and occupational therapy sessions. Beyond that, we also understand that suffering from an ailment or degenerative disease is no pleasant matter but can certainly be done in a pleasant fulfilling environment. For this reason, we try to make your stay in Thailand as easy and comfortable as we can. Luckily, the good jovial nature of Thais combined with their legendary hospitality, greatly facilitates our intent to make your stay memorable and something special to write home about.